Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm not a loser

We were sitting at the dinner table eating meatloaf, green beans and mashed potatoes. For anybody who knows Kelsea very well you know she does not like potatoes in any form (other than french frys of course). Kelsea tells us that to make good potatoes you need to put milk and broccoli (which she hates) with them and fold them like a pancake. She says, "I know this because God made me so smart." We told her to try a bite because the potatoes have milk in them, which she did gagging it down. She said, "I am not going to eat anymore potatoes because I don't want to be a loser, only losers eat potatoes." I asked her where she learned that word. She explained that Violet the girl in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory calls Charlie Bucket a loser as she grabs an apple off the tree in front of him. I had to then have a talk with her about using loving words but listening to her explanation of why she wouldn't eat potatoes was funny.

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