Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Wonderland

While my family has been in So. Cal. I have been stuck in the snow.  This picture was taken from my front door, that is my car in the background.  Some of the snow drifts are deeper than this one right here.  This has been the biggest snow storm in the Portland area since 1980 and the most snow in December since the 1968 and it is still snowing.  I came back up from California to work, but because of the snow the office has been closed all week and will probably be closed this whole week, so I basically came up here for no reason.  Hopefully I can make it down for Christmas.  

Thursday, December 11, 2008

It's a girl!!

We had our ultrasound today. Here are some pictures of our new little girl, her profile and her foot. She was a bit stubborn about having her picture taken so we didn't get many good shots. We are all so excited the kids have been thanking Jesus everytime we pray that we are having a "baby sister."

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Program

Kelsea had her Christmas program with school last night. It's amazing how they get all these little kids to pay attention enough that they are willing to attempt a program. Her school is from 3 year olds - 2nd grade. The 4 year olds sang 3 songs, Mary Had a Baby, No Room in the Inn, Holly Jolly Christmas. Of course, Kelsea was adorable. She told me before her program that she was going to sing really loud because some of the grandparents are so old they can't hear so she has to be really loud. The boys did really well, Hunter bobbed along with the singing, he got a bit squirmy when the groups were switching out, but he clapped at the end of songs and had a huge smile. Rusty sang along with the songs, making up most of the words and then clapping when each song ended.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I wonder

How is it that the pregnant mommy ends up holding both boys while daddy stands back and smiles for our new picture? Also, notice Kelsea's eyes, she thought she was being so sneaky peaking through a tiny crack in her eyes. She said "everybody will think my eyes are closed ."Yesterday we went geocaching and it was really cold and windy, I carried Hunter in the backpack and at one point the wind was blowing so hard Rusty was falling all over so I picked him up. I don't really mind, I just think it's kind of funny.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


We have tried several times to get a picture of the kids for our Christmas card. I don't know what we are going to do with these kids!!

Monday, December 1, 2008


The Girls (My mom, Sheryl, Kelsea and I) went to an afternoon tea where we had the chance to dress up in crazy clothes, hats and jewelry which Kelsea thought was cool. I think her favorite part though was the chilled strawberry soup which was kind of like yogurt.

We went to my sister's house in Sacramento for Thanksgiving. We had a great time with our family. My sister and I got up and went to Walmart at 5am on Friday and got some great deals. My mom bought our nephews a trampoline for an early Christmas present which we all enjoyed. The kids had a great time making gingerbread men and a gingerbread house. We went to see Bolt which was an adventure having 6 adults, and 6 kids (2 of which are only 1). We even had a chance to go geocaching with the family, one of the caches we found was in a rubber rat which of course the boys thought was cool!!