Friday, July 17, 2009

Is this my life?!

I was really hoping to be catching up on my missed blogs but we have a crazy life. This week Hunter has learned how to climb out of his crib. This was not a battle I was very thrilled with loosing. Hunter has always been a great sleeper until we went to my sister's house for the 4th of July. I am not quite sure what happened but he wouldn't sleep there and won't sleep now that we are home!! We battled with him for several days trying to keep him in his crib and back onto a normal schedule but after he climbed out and ran into the dresser giving himself a mean black eye I decided I would give and get him a "big boy" bed. I was very excited to find a fire truck bed on craigs list, he loves it.... as long as he doesn't have to sleep in it!! We put come child proof things on the door handle so he couldn't come out of his bedroom since he's been coming out at all hours. Well, I'm convinced there is no stopping this kid, he figured out how to open his door like it was no problem, beaming at us he gave us a bring it on, what's next look. I'm not sure what we are going to do, hopefully it is a phase he gets over quickly!!

Kelsea also has had her own drama. She decided that it would be a good idea to give herself a haircut and have Rusty help. I was very sad (not as sad as Scott) to see her long hair go, but there just was no salvaging it this time. Yes, I said this time.... about a month ago she thought the same thing..."time for a haircut" and she cut her bangs, well the only thing to do with bangs is let them grow back.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Claire's 1 month pictures. We had a hard first month but things are getting better as we settle into a bit of a routine.

Claire is 2 months old now and such a sweet baby!! She is a bit fussy since she has some acid reflux and has had a cold, but she is still just so precious. She smiles alot now, she loves to be talked to and watch her mobile on her swing and her rain forest music and light show. Claire had her 2 month check up yesterday and weighed in at 12lbs 2oz and 22 1/2 inches long!!


I know, I'm a big fat slacker, I can't seem to make time to get pictures uploaded let alone write about the events. We went to Seattle for the day a couple of weeks ago. It was a lot of fun, I wish we could have stayed longer since it's almost a 3 hour drive, kind of long for a day trip!! We went to the space needle and pike place market. Hopefully I will get up the 4th of July pictures this weekend!!
Seattle from the top of the Space Needle
Kelsea and Rusty were being turds, they wouldn't look for the picture!!

Sitting on top of Rachel the pig in front of Pike Place Market.

Isn't he so sweet?!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Claire Darlene Laffin

Well, since it has been awhile since I've posted anything I will skip to the main event.....

I had prayed pretty much the entire pregnancy for a smooth delivery and for family to be here. My mom and sister got into town on May 2nd and we went to a shower the ladies at the church had for me and another expecting mommy. We went to the hospital on May 3rd to be induced, I was absolutely ecstatic to be 4 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced, I thought "this should be quick." They started the petocin and we began to walk, walk, and did a bit more walking, then sat on the birthing ball, tried to rest in bed, and walked some more. This was not going as quickly as I had planned!! (My labor was 8 hours with Hunter and I was not dilated or effaced so I thought this should move quickly) Finally after about 6 hours my midwife got to the hospital and broke my water making me think OK, about and hour or so.... (since that was how it had been with my previous deliveries). Then as I was fully dilated and ready to go and Claire decided she would take her sweet time!! After about 45minutes of swaying and rocking trying to get her to drop she decided it was time and with a few good pushes she was crying before she was even all the way out. We cuddled for awhile Scott cut the cord then they got her cleaned up and weighed her. Claire Darlene Laffin was born May 3rd at 9:35pm, 9lbs, 8 oz 20 1/2 inches and her head was 13 1/2 inches.

Me, Claire, and my midwife, Tom

Kelsea sang "Rock a bye baby" as soon as Scott gave her Claire to hold, it was very sweet.

Rusty was excited to hold her but got over it quick and soon wanted to just run around.

Hunter is in love with his little sister, he loves to hold her or pet her head and is very concerned when she cries.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Rusty the Next John Popper

So, I have this harmonica which I have been learning to play and the kids love to play it also.  They love that it is so easy to make "music" with, all they have to do is blow or suck and wallah music, at least they think so.  Rusty however is stepping it up a notch.  He doesn't just want to make noise he wants to rock out.  He totally spreads out his feet, leans over and enters the world of rock and roll with his tin sandwich.  Watch out John Popper (the guy from Blues Traveler) Rusty is working his way towards pushing you out of the spotlight.  He even has the look down.


We had a great Easter, the kids were so excited they could hardly sleep, in fact they talked in bed until almost 10pm on Saturday night. Kelsea even opened the mini blinds so she could see the Easter bunny when he came. Unfortunately it was raining so the Easter bunny had to hide the eggs inside.

Dying Eggs

Pretty self explanatory